“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” One of St France of Assisi’s most remembered quotes, one that over the years I just can’t agree with.
Even though I’ve been a Christian for only 5 years, I run into people every now and then who believe that you don’t need to mention the gospel to people or understand what they are saying in relation to France’s quote. They will sometimes reference this quote and from my understanding some do believe it is not the responsibility of every believer to preach or share the Gospel. I recall having a friend once telling me that using tracts with the Gospel in them don’t work any more in the United States, that evangelizing (actually using words,) wasn’t effective in general. Truthfully I was very angered by that…. I become a Christian by someone sharing such a tract, listening to them verbally sharing the Gospel and then seeing how they conducted themselves made a difference. It was so helpful and meaningful to hear a person tell me about Jesus. Having someone sit me down helped to make sense of so much. I realize it is by Jesus Christ’s blood that we have been forgiven for our sins and we can be in a relationship with God again, but honestly how could we know all this if someone didn’t tell us why he died and revealed its meaning? I remember too a time when I spoke with the same friend who shared with me about a experience when he really committed his life to God and acted differently. One day at work a co- worker walked up to him and said:
Co Worker: Hey Larry I’ve noticed you’ve been acting a lot differently than usual, I think I know why.
Larry: Oh yea?
Co Worker: You’re a Vegetarian!
We can’t assume that everyone will know what we believe unless we say it, if we don’t I would say we aren’t really seeking to fully met a person needs…. especially the spiritually needs. Even if people see us being good and moral, how can someone know we are different from the kind doctor we go to or the clean out politician we see on T.V. who has no faith in God? It is not what we do that defines who we are but it is who we are than defines what we do. Through God’s word spoken to apostles and prophets we know this… through his word we receive our identity. And because of it, it changes our lives; his love compels us to be different and changes our thinking. People ought to be seeing the difference in our lives and that should make them thirsty for what we have. But often they still don’t come to us and ask how we know Jesus unless we bring it up. For me I can validate that, although I went to high school with some Christians and I never once ask them about their faith or what the Gospel was. It’s worth mentioning I didn’t even know these some of these people were Christians until years later. At times I heard about how they were involved in various religious groups or events, but that doesn’t always reflect a sincere trust or belief in Jesus. For whatever reason all of them never did bring it up or even thought I was a Christian myself, so they never brought it up, it was all assumed. Unless someone spoke to me and took the initiative, I saw no need to bring it up.
It bothers me sometimes to hear people believe that by simply acting a certain way and not verbalizing any thing, people will automatically assume you’re a Christian and want to be one. In addition they may say “well I’m just not good with talking so I won’t even attempt it, they will figure it out. Or even worse some may say the Gospel is unnecessary for this day and age and actions will be more sufficient. Who are we to down play the Gospel and think it will do no good? God, the author of the Gospel is so much bigger and wiser than us. Nothing in this world will keep him down. What happened to trusting God and believing he is who he says he is? For all of us who are Christians, didn't someone once take the time to tell us about Jesus? Didn't it give meaning to who that person was and what they did? How much did it affect you?
One thing we need remember too is it is a part of our nature not to turn away from God and not seek after him. Romans 3:10- 12 tells us “As it is written: There is no one righteous, not even one; 11 there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. 12 All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” All through out the Old Testament and especially in the New Testament we see God pursuing his people. Jesus Christ is our most prime example as we see all through out the gospels. Yes its true Jesus is meeting the physical needs of people healing lepers and the blind but what else does he do? He preaches about the Kingdom of God. He makes known what he believes when he physically meets a person’s needs. He illustrates it through parables and is even straight forward to his disciples in the Gospel of John. I for one really need to follow more closely the example of Jesus and not be silent. We all need to do the same.
With every opportunity we have to interact with people who don't know the Lord, we can't stand by and ignore a possible chance to share the gospel. Some people out there may never see another Christian or may know Christians but are silent like I said. Why should we deny people the chance to hear the Gospel, to share something that makes us vastly more happier than anything else in the world? The world won't change unless people are changed on the inside by Jesus and learn of his actions through the Gospel.